
You can choose between private individual sessions or group sessions.

Practical information

Individual sessions

– Online (via Zoom, Skype, or Discord)

Dates and prices : 50 minutes of your choice on appointement for 70 CHF

Service : Therapy for Integration Challenges 

– In-person at my studio, refer to the contact page.

Dates and prices : 60 minutes of your choice on appointement for 75 CHF

Services : Art Therapy for children and their families or Therapy for Integration Challenges

Financial payments : bill at the end of the month and payment by TWINT, bank transfer or cash

Group sessions (French only)

Dates : Each 2 weeks on tuesday and thursday morning from 10:00 am to 11:30 am

Place : In-person at my studio, refer to the contact page.

Service : Support circle for healthy aging (French only)

Price : 30 CHF per person

Financial payments : bill at the end of the month and payment by TWINT, bank transfer or cash

Group formed of at least 2 and maximum 5 people.

Insurance Questions

For several years, I was a registered art therapist and a contributor to ASCA after completing the required additional training. However, during my time as a therapist, only two clients benefited from reimbursements due to the ever-changing coverage of complementary insurance policies. Faced with this situation, I chose to stop spending my time and money on continued membership

Today, among the 50+ health insurance providers in Switzerland, only four reimburse art therapy through complementary insurance, and only with a medical prescription; that is, when a precise diagnosis is established.

To counter this trend, my services are not reimbursed by health insurance. However, I ensure affordable rates : two sessions per month will cost no more than a dinner at a restaurant. ^^

Moreover, art therapy has proven effective : generally, six sessions are enough to eliminate the need for regular follow-ups. My goal is to contribute to YOUR well-being, not to feed an insurance system that profits at the expense of public health.

Thank you for your understanding.